COMM H S DIST 99 - NORTH H S (9 - 12)
Current Principal
Dr. Courtney DeMent
Current District Superintendent
Dr. Henry Thiele
4436 MAIN ST
(630) 795-8401
Feeder Schools
This display lists the feeder schools for this school. Learn More
The Illinois State Board of Education defines a feeder school as a school that sends a majority of its students to a higher-level school.
By definition, a feeder school sends 50 percent or more of its students after their completion of its highest (or terminating, as it is referred to legally) grade to a single higher-level school. A middle school that sends its graduates in equal portions (33%/33%/33%) to each of three high schools would not be reported as a feeder for any of the three high schools, but a middle school that sends 78% of its graduates to a single high school would be reported as a feeder for that high school.