Current District Superintendent
Dr. Kurt Rohlwing
(630) 365-5111
The display shows the percentage of 11th graders scoring at each of the performance levels for the SAT. Note: If a student group has fewer than 10 students, no information is displayed. Learn More
The graph displays the percentage of students who achieved scores in the following SAT performance level categories:
Level 1 Orange - Partially Meets Standards
The student has only partially met the standards and demonstrates a minimal understanding of the knowledge and skills needed relative to the Illinois Learning Standards.
Level 2 Yellow - Approaching Standards
The student is approaching the proficiency level and demonstrates an incomplete understanding of the knowledge and skills needed relative to the Illinois Learning Standards.
Level 3 Light Green - Meets Standards
The student has met the proficiency level and demonstrates adequate understanding of the knowledge and skills needed relative to the Illinois Learning Standards.
Level 4 Dark Green - Exceeds Standards
The student has exceeded the proficiency level and demonstrates a thorough understanding of the knowledge and skills needed relative to the Illinois Learning Standards.
This is a zero-based graph; the percentage of students meeting or exceeding standards is shown to the right of the zero line. The percentage of students in other levels are shown to the left of the zero line.
The SAT is an admission test accepted by all U.S. colleges and is intended to determine a student’s level of college readiness in the academic subjects of Math and English/Language Arts.
As the required high school state assessment, the SAT will fulfill the requirement that students take an assessment for college and career readiness in order to receive a regular high school diploma, unless eligible to take the alternative assessment or otherwise exempt from testing. The SAT will also fulfill the requirement that high school students must take an assessment accepted for student admission to intuitions of higher education.
The SAT will be used for school and district accountability requirements.
While academic preparation in Math and English/Language Arts is an essential part of readiness for college and careers, students also need preparation in other subjects along with persistence, motivation, time management, and technical skills.