CHSD 155
Current District Superintendent
Dr. Neil Lesinski
(815) 455-8500
The display shows the percentage of students scoring at each of the performance levels for the Dynamic Learning Maps assessment for students with cognitive disabilities. Note: If a student group has fewer than 10 students, no information is displayed. Learn More
The display shows the percentage of students achieving at the following levels on the DLM alternative assessment.
Dark orange - The student demonstrates emerging understanding of and ability to apply content knowledge and skills
Light orange- The student’s understanding of and ability to apply targeted content knowledge and skills is approaching the target.
Light green - The student’s understanding of and ability to apply content knowledge and skills represented is at target.
Dark green - The student demonstrates advanced understanding of and ability to apply targeted content knowledge and skills
Dynamic Learning Maps™ (DLM) alternative assessments offer students with significant cognitive disabilities a way to show what they know and can do in a manner which differs from the traditional multiple choice tests. Assessments are based on a learning map—a map that shows different paths a student might take to learn new academic skills.
Targets are based on Essential Elements (EEs) for English Language Arts and Mathematics. EEs are specific statements of knowledge and skills linked to the grade-level expectations identified in college and career readiness standards. EEs build a bridge from content standards to academic expectations for students with the most significant cognitive disabilities.
Results of the assessments help teachers to plan individualized experiences for each student by creating lessons and actvities that are appropriate for a student’s needs and abilities.