Current District Superintendent
Dr. Adam Brumbaugh
(309) 945-0450
This graph shows the percentage of students that meet or exceed state standards on the Prairie State Achievement Exam (PSAE). Learn More
A school demonstrating high state test results is likely to have multiple systems that support high levels of academic achievement. These may include a high level of teacher quality, advanced courses, and rigorous academic standards. Standardized tests results should be interpreted in the context of other measures of student achievement.
The PSAE measures 11th grade student achievement relative to the new Illinois Learning Standards. It recognizes the excellent achievement of individual students whose scores qualify them for honors, and it measures the progress that schools have made in helping students meet the Illinois Learning Standards. The PSAE is a two-day examination. On the first day students take the ACT college readiness assessment. On the second day students take the ACT WorkKeys assessments in Applied Mathematics and Reading for Information in addition to a science assessment developed by the Illinois State Board of Education with the assistance of Illinois teachers (PSAE Day 2). All eligible grade 11 students, as defined by the ISBE Rule adopted in January 2011, took the PSAE in April/May 2013. Beginning in the 2014-2015 school year, students in ELA III, Algebra II, and Integrated Math III will take the PARCC (Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers) test, which is aligned with the new Illinois Learning Standards. The ACT Writing and WorkKeys will be available, but not required for districts in 2015, and the 2015 ACT will not be used for accountability purposes.
For more information go to Prairie State Achievement Exam (PSAE)